REF# Announcements Announced
HWSP373 Update April 6, 2020
From today a new payment system (Business Continuity Payments. BCP) is in place for all service types.  We have been working over the weekend to implement changes to the software to allow the distribution of this new payment.  However, we are still waiting on the government to confirm some issues we have raised.

Once we have all the information, we will issue more announcements to assist services with this transition.

For now, business is as usual. Educators will still need to sign their children in and out each week and submit their timesheets to you.  

We will be making adjustments to the invoicing module to accommodate the new “no parent fees” policy that is now in place. 

Please be aware with the large load on the CCS system from everyone submitting over the weekend, the processing and payments may be delayed.  Please be patient they will come through. We have checked at our end and can see that payments are slowly coming through the CCS system.
Affected Service Types
  • FDC
  • IHC