REF# Announcements Announced
HWSP544 Pre-Release Information - Educators April 30, 2021
Dear Educators

Some exiting news is happening to your software tonight and we wanted to give you a sneak peak of what is coming.

When you log into tomorrow you will have a new look dashboard which you can configure to your user, only see the function you need.  See our detailed tip sheet for more information

You will now have some great new feature within Parent Portal:
•	Educator Accounts
•	Post news stories to your families
•	Email notification when items are posted to the Parent Portal

This is just the start of many changes happening.  We will have detailed release notes for you tomorrow and more information in the support portal.

We look forward to hearing your feedback on these new features.

Kind Regards

Harmony Support Team
Affected Service Types
  • FDC
  • IHC
Attachments Work Centre - Educators.pdf