REF# Announcements Announced
There is a significant change to the procedure you must follow for revising session reports.  Previously, revising an attendance would cancel the existing record with CCMS and redirect you to a new timesheet for processing.  PLEASE NOTE that this is not the case under CCSS.  When revising session reports in CCSS, while appearing in the status of cancelling, the cancellation of the existing session report will not be submitted to CCSS until the new session report has been submitted.

What this means is that the session report will stay in the status of cancelling until a new session report has been submitted.  If a new session report is not submitted, this will be prevent you from finalising.  We strongly recommend you promptly resubmit the session report immediately after revising to avoid delays.

Please also note that if no new session report is required for submission and you are simply wanting to cancel a session report submitted in error, you must not follow the revise procedure.  Instead you would use the withdrawn option. 
Affected Service Types
  • FDC
  • IHC
Attachments CCS - How to avoid issues revising or cancelling a Session Report (FDC).pdf